What Chef PriaVanda Is Doing With Sambar Kitchen Ingredients
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Devi Jagsby Devi Jags · 19 May 2021 · 3 min read
Devi JagsYou're exhausted. You've been at this project for hours on end, and nothing seems to be working. The copy is stuck. The title is a big fail. And for some reason, you can't think of one brilliant, funny, or even semi-not-cringe-worthy to say to your audience.
We are living in a time when women are rising to new heights which means they are regularly being confronted with the fear of being "too much". For women in business this is pervasive and costly. A few ways women can be perceived as "too much" are:Speaking up about their successes and achievements. Sharing one too many photos of their cute kids. Telling one too many people about that date night. Looking a little too good in that swimsuit.
I'll admit — I'm not naturally a morning person and if I didn't have a family to take care of, my morning routine would probably look something like this: wake up when I feel like it, shower (alone without kids asking for breakfast), take supplements, drink coffee, go for a walk, eat breakfast, then start working. However, my current phase of life doesn't allow me to have such a leisurely morning routine.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the last few months, it’s that not everything is equally important, either personally or professionally. Some things are truly impactful, either to your bottom line or to filling your energy bucket, but it’s addictive to have that feeling of being able to cross a task (however menial) off a list.
Long distance marriages are typically marriages where two people live in different cities, states or even countries. There can be a number of reasons for this. I'm here to break down the difficulties and realities of coping with long distance relationships.