Have you ever wondered why women have been kept out of board rooms? Or why we have seen very few female world leaders? Why is our advanced world still holding back power from the beings that birthed us?

Divine feminine energy has long been oppressed and possessed by those who would like to own this power for themselves. This imbalance has caused disease, famine and war. Fueled by greed these people and structures have used fear to rule the planet. There is a better way, we only have to look to a not-so-distant past where indigenous people honored the divine feminine within, and all around them. Our ancestors survived for thousands of years on systems built with divine feminine and divine masculine balance in leadership.

We must wake up to our true power and lead from within, not only for our own desires to be realized, but for the world to continue.

"The Future has an Ancient Heart" - Carlo Levi

My own experience has taught me that my most valuable gift to the world was not something that I learned in school. It was an innate knowing. For the last several years I've dedicated myself to exploring what has long been hidden knowledge. This discovery always brings me back to the same place within myself. The Goddess. The Goddess is the embodiment of the Divine Feminine. It's a universal energy seen not only in humans but in all life forms. Every human has an internal goddess to explore. For women, this is even more important because we have the power to bring life, to create, and to hold space for alchemy. It is our job to awaken the sleeping goddess. We must wake up to our true power and lead from within, not only for our own desires to be realized, but for the world to continue. As we progress,it is necessary to evolve to sustain evolution.

My own experience has taught me that my most valuable gift to the world was not something that I learned in school. It was an innate knowing.

It is 2020, and we have a choice. We all can choose to be free to express in new, productive, and healthy ways. We can work together, and we can respect each other's gifts. We can create new realities based on love and not fear. But, this requires a generation of women who are aware of this precious inheritance. For far too long, we have allowed others to define who we are, and let them dictate our limitations. There is no such thing as a glass ceiling. The goddess understands that she is the creatrix, she holds the power to be her truest self. This authenticity allows her to be her own hero. Goddesses don't apologize for being "too much." A Goddess lets go of old systems that never supported her growth. She realizes that she is the future. She is the one she's been waiting for. A Goddess chooses to celebrate her own existence. What she focuses on has the power to grow into abundance and wholeness.

So, what do you want to create? What do you want to see this world turn into? We have the power to envision and experience new horizons. We have the power to create new systems built on peace, justice, and symbiotically organic economies. What will the next 50, or 100 years look like? Whatever we can imagine can happen, so we might as well shoot for the stars.

A Goddess lets go of old systems that never supported her growth. She realizes that she is the future. She is the one she's been waiting for.

Goddesses occupy their rightful space. You are here. I am here. We are here. There is no coincidence that we are here at this pivotal time in our world's history. My goal is to encourage this generation and the next to dream big, to honor their gifts, and to live with their hearts on fire. The choice is ours. Awaken Goddesses. ;)