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Help! I'm Dating a Jerk!
Dear Armchair Psychologist,I've been dating my boyfriend for a year. After spending some vacation time with him and realizing he is not treating me the way I like I'm wondering — what do I do? I need him to be kinder and softer to me but he says simply, "chivalry is not his thing." I believe when two people decide to be together they need to adjust to each other. I don't think or feel my boyfriend is adjusting to what's important to me. Should I try to explain to him what's important to me, accept him for what he is, or leave him as I'm just not happy and the little gestures are important to me?- Loveless Woman
Dear Loveless Woman,
- The Armchair Psychologist
Update to HELP! My Date is Uncircumcised and I'm Grossed Out!
Hi Armchair Psychologist,Just wanted to let you know that your article was really offensive to read. Do you refer to women's genitals as: "gross," "ghasty," "smelly," or otherwise? Humans are not perfect, each of us is different and you should emphasize this. I hope that man finds a partner that will love and accept him rather than tearing him down. Which gender has a whole aisle devoted to their "special" hygiene needs? I can tell you it's not men. With love,Male Reader
Dear Male Reader,
- Ubah, The Armchair Psychologist
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Ubah Bulale