I was a healthy 33-year-old caring for my four young kids when suddenly everything went black. When I opened my eyes, I saw my husband’s worried face. This was the start of my heart health journey.
Over the course of the next month, I was monitored using a temporary wearable heart monitor, but the doctors found no evidence of anything concerning. As a young mother of four kids under age four, including triplet babies, the cardiologist wrote it off as exhaustion and dehydration, but I had a feeling there was more behind my episodes of fainting than the temporary monitor was showing. I was also worried for my kids’ safety if I experienced another fainting episode.
I started researching and scheduled an appointment with a heart specialist trained to diagnose and treat arrhythmias to get to the answers I needed. While the electrophysiologist didn’t notice anything alarming from my heart monitor reports, she advised that continued, consistent monitoring was needed to get to the root cause of my fainting episodes. I had a Reveal LINQ insertable cardiac monitor (ICM) implanted that would provide 24/7 monitoring for up to three years. Since the data collected from the ICM was sent directly to the doctor’s office, for the first time in years I had the peace of mind that my doctors were keeping a close eye on my heart. Little did I know, this monitor would save my life.
A year later, I was home alone with my four kids who were all sick with a stomach virus when all of a sudden something felt off again. Things went dark and I collapsed to the floor. My husband got home shortly after I woke up and helped with the kids as I slept off what I thought was the same stomach virus.
It wasn’t until the next morning and several missed calls from my doctor’s office that I found out it wasn’t the flu, but something much more serious. When I connected with the nurse, she shared that the monitor data indicated that my heart flatlined for 19 seconds before it miraculously restarted. She called an ambulance to take me straight to the hospital. Once there, I had a pacemaker implanted to avoid future cardiac episodes.
Discovering you have a heart condition isn’t exactly good news, but a part of me felt relieved. After years of feeling like something was wrong, I finally had the evidence to back it up. I had an answer to my problem and thanks to the pacemaker, I also had a solution. When I was diagnosed with sick sinus syndrome, which effects the heart’s ability to generate regular heat beats, my husband and I decided to get our children evaluated, too.
My son was diagnosed with the same condition and received his pacemaker at three-years-old, my oldest has a cardiac monitor, and all four of my children are closely monitored by an electrophysiologist. With the help of these devices, we can live our lives with peace of mind.
When I look down at the tattoo of the 19-second flatline caught by my monitor, I am forever reminded to always trust your gut and speak up if something doesn’t seem right. Being an advocate not only for your own health but also the ones you love is one of the most important things you can do. Here at the Petronio house, we’re a heart-smart family, and we plan to keep it that way.