Sounds ironic, I know, but your website isn’t about you. Your website is about your potential customer or client.
This is the number one reason websites fall short in making conversions. I see this with clients all the time when it comes to their website design. As entrepreneurs and business owners, we are passionate about what we do - rightfully so - But the way in which we convey that passion has to be strategic and serve the ideal customer not be a resume of why we think we are so great. 
I recently had the experience of visiting a company’s website only to find myself lost in pages of mission statements, sustainability practices, material sourcing practices, and multiple blogs defining the terms they use to describe their offerings. It wasn’t until after five minutes on their site that I learned they actually sell products!
Because I am a marketer and ever curious about how brands position themselves, I stayed on the website until I got the answers I wanted. The average customer leaves after just a few seconds. While I love sustainability principles, and as a consumer, am more likely to purchase from a company that I know is mindful of where and how they source the materials to make their products, I need to know FIRST what you are selling and how it is going to enhance my life before I can “feel good” about making the purchase knowing you source the materials to make said product sustainably.
My point is this: You are not making money on selling your purpose, you're making money on selling products (or services). 
Yes, you can use your sustainable principles as a way to differentiate yourself from the competition, but they should remain the coach on the sidelines creating the plays and motivating the team, not the all-star champaign on the court racking up the points. Your product should be the all-star.
So what does that mean from a strategic and tactical approach to your website? Here are my 4 tips: 
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I recommend that companies spend time each year and quarter evaluating their customer journey through your website. It can also be valuable to invest in user experience testing to gain perspective on how fresh eyes experience your website. Moving away from having a website being a self-serving “I am” statement to a customer-centric hub is one way to build a stronger rapport with customers and increase conversions.
If you are looking for support and evaluation of your website, please don’t hesitate to book a free consult call: