In short, it is the technique of analyzing matter by dispersing it into its component spectral colors, then letting it interact with a beam of light. The result is an emission spectrum, which can be used to determine what elements are present in the sample and how they are arranged. This technique has many applications, but this is one of the most important techniques for chemistry students in understanding atomic structure.

What Is Spectroscopy?

More in-depth, it is a technique for investigating the properties and composition of materials by measuring their reactions to various wavelengths (colors) of light. It can be used in chemistry, biology, physics, and other fields. Spectroscopic observations allow us to identify an element's presence and measure its abundance; we can also determine what compounds exist in a sample.
Correlation with chemical knowledge such as formulas or reaction mechanisms provides information about chemical structures and interactions between molecules. This information is often essential for understanding biological processes such as photosynthesis or cellular respiration because many biochemical pathways involve specific sets of enzymes acting on particular substrates under specific conditions. It has been put to use in multiple industries: it finds application in areas including quality control and food safety checks.
It is also a technique that allows scientists to study the composition of stars and planets. What does this mean? Well, spectroscopy utilizes light from an object to create a spectrum, which can be analyzed by using many different methods. This type of analysis can reveal information about the chemical composition of stars, galaxies, and even our own planet! For example, spectroscopic data has shown us that Venus has a higher amount of sulfuric acid than Earth. 

Why Is It Important? 

It is an important tool in astronomy and other sciences and fields because it allows scientists to learn about the composition of stars and other objects, like planets. Spectral lines can be used to determine what atoms are present in a star's atmosphere, for example. This information yields lots of clues about what processes occur inside that star. By studying spectra, astronomers have determined which elements are present in the Sun and other stars, including some that aren't found naturally on Earth.
It is also used in the medical field, in instruments like the mass spectrometer. A mass spectrometer takes a sample of the material and ionizes it. It isolates ions based on their mass, so scientists can identify the elements in the molecules of that substance.

Applications In Everyday Life

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It is used in your everyday life. For example, the chemistry set you might have played with as a kid was probably equipped with some kind of spectroscope that allowed you to identify what elements were present in different colored solutions.
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You've likely heard about police using infrared light to look for skid marks at crime scenes and then using that to determine how fast a car was traveling. That is spectroscopy in action, too.
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And if you've ever used store-bought road flares at night on the side of the road after your car has broken down, then you have also seen some good examples of spectral lines being useful! The red color comes from an emission line that has a wavelength of about 630 nm.
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Another use of this is night vision goggles. If you've ever used night-vision goggles or infrared cameras to see in the dark like hunters and soldiers often do. What those devices are doing is collecting light at specific frequencies (which represent colors) that would normally be invisible to a human eye.
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You've probably also seen spectral lines if you have ever looked at a rainbow, which is made up of many colors and wavelengths that blend together in the form of a spectrum. You can think about it as being similar to how white light splits into all its constituent colors when passed through a prism or a glass of water.
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It is also used to study distant stars and galaxies, which are too far away or faint for us to see with our naked eye. Telescopes collect light from them that gets passed through an instrument called a spectrograph, where it's split into different wavelengths (colors). The resulting spectrum can then be analyzed to determine the distance and speed of those objects as well as other things like their composition, temperature, and even whether there are planets around them.
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It is also used in bio-engineering applications such as DNA sequencing, where scientists use special equipment that breaks apart the chemical bonds within a strand; then they pass it through a spectrometer that can break it down into its different component colors, which reveals what the DNA sequence is.
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It has even been used to find oil deposits underground by looking for spectral signatures of hydrocarbons in seismic data.
It's also used in your everyday life such as measuring how fast a car is traveling after a crime has been committed or telling us if there are any foreign substances like hydrocarbons underground. With so many uses and applications, it's important for us to understand the scope of spectroscopy.


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