Many misconceptions exist around the idea of wellness centers. People hear the word ‘rehab’ and make all kinds of unfair and inaccurate judgments. One of the main purposes of a wellness center is for recovery. This can take many forms, you may need to recover from any number of things, whether that is from alcoholism, addiction, mental health, burnout, physical injuries or you may simply need a break. To help you understand what a wellness center does, this post will explore four of its main purposes. 

They Help You Relax and Restore

First and foremost, the idea of a wellness centre is that they exist so people have somewhere to go that is separate from the stressors of home or work life. Taking a break at home does not always work for people as there are constant triggers around them preventing them from truly relaxing. This is why wellness centers are so effective because you can remove a person from their life and place them in an environment where those triggers do not exist. This is where a person can finally find peace and serenity. The restoration process begins once the individual has had a chance to genuinely relax over longer periods. Relaxing and restoring are crucial for anyone who needs/wants to be in a wellness centre. Whether it is due to alcoholism, eating disorders or burnout from work - everyone will need to relax as part of their recovery.

They Help you Regain Confidence

Stressful, busy and demanding lifestyles can result in unhealthy coping mechanisms. A wellness centre exists not to shame your lifestyle, but to help you readjust it and find a way to cope healthily. The bad habits people pick up when they are struggling to tend to lower a person’s self-esteem and they begin to have a warped, negative idea of their self-worth. This can cause a downward spiral because the worse that you feel about yourself the more you will turn to damaging behaviours. 
Checking into a centre gives you a chance to break out of that negative spiral, take the time to reset and regain perspective on your self-worth. Often the better wellness centers, such as White River Manor, provide their guests with professional help and guidance to help people regain their confidence. Centres will help people rebuild their identity and remind them of who they are, and that they are not defined by their problems. 
Rebuilding confidence is a vital step in recovery and without that sense of confidence, the recovery process becomes stunted. This is why being in a wellness center can be so useful as you have the help of trained professionals who can guide you along the way, no matter how long it takes. 

You Get Back Your Independence

A wellness centre is not designed to keep you cooped up like a chicken in a cage. The idea that you will be trapped is simply a myth. You are not being put into a psych ward and checking into a wellness center is a choice. It will give you a chance to get your independence back as professional therapists help guide you in personal growth and development. Depending on where you go, there are luxury wellness centers that offer incredibly beautiful grounds and stunning accommodation. Clients staying there will be protected by confidentiality and can rest easy knowing that they are safe and in a happy place. This level of comfort provides a foundation for people to rebuild their independence without fear of judgement. 
Rebuilding your confidence and independence is not a quick fix, but the professionals at the wellness center are there to guide you and keep you on track. The key thing to remember here is that it is a marathon and not a sprint. You will have a chance to be independent without any dangerous temptations existing around you. 

They Help You Recover

Don’t be fooled by the myths that only alcoholics and addicts stay in wellness centers and rehabilitation units. These centres exist solely as a place to help people recover, regardless of what their issue is. At the end of the day, we are all human and nobody is exempt from the struggles that life can throw at us. You could be the richest person in the world but that doesn’t mean you’ll be the happiest. 
A wellness center provides a safe place to recover. It also provides people with the tools they need to help them recover, whether that’s physical therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, or just a place to stay away from their daily life stressors. Some centers specialize in specific areas, for instance, a center might only take clients who are struggling with alcoholism or a place that only takes clients who are struggling with disordered eating. Wellness centers come in all shapes and sizes, with all kinds of specialties, but the one thing they all have in common is that they exist to help people recover. 

You Get To Have A Fresh Start

A wellness center gives people a chance to have a fresh start, and the importance of this is not to be underestimated. Sometimes people crave a clean slate but don’t know how to achieve that or how to escape their current circumstances. Staying at a wellness center will let you have the time you need to recover, but it also gives you the chance to leave with a new perspective. Time away from our daily lives can be valuable, and some people will need that for more extended periods of time than others. Sometimes people experience feelings of shame for needing time away from their family, but the key thing to remember is that if you allow yourself time to recover then you will return to your family stronger than you were before and you can become a reliable figure in their lives again.
All in all, wellness centers exist to help you restore your body, mind, and soul. They offer a safe place to aid our recovery, both physical and mental. 


Daria Brown