Knowing your sun, moon, and rising sun can influence everything that matters in your daily life. The 12 zodiacs have both elemental and fundamental qualities. Once you learn how to balance these, you're well on your way to enjoying the best life has to offer.

Sun Signs: The Essence of You

The sun sign dictates the fundamentals of one's personality. This is the essence of who you are. It is considered the most crucial influence in a person's birth chart.
Thus, horoscopes usually just ask for people's sun signs. This sign will give hints about your goals, values, visions, and interests. More like a prototype of your persona.
The sun's movement on the astrological signs is what determines a person's behavior during that period. It moves across every star sign.
When it changes its position on them, their personality is naturally affected. Simply put, your behavior will be dependent on the month plus the position of the sun on its sign.
The sun sign is what rules over your sense of self. This boosts your drive, vitality, and creativity. Pushes you on what you really want to accomplish in life- your higher purpose. Your inner passions will be dictated by your sun signs.

For Air Signs- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

You love expressing your thoughts and chilling out during social gatherings.

For Fire Signs- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Your aspirations motivate you and you love to recharge with lots of physical activities.

For Earth Signs- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

You love fulfilling your material needs and are highly practical. Nothing makes you feel better than being productive and accomplishing your to-do list for the day.

For Water Signs- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

You recharge via emotional experiences and connecting intimately with other people.

Moon Signs: Your Alter Ego

This is the part of you that hardly anyone ever sees. Just like the dim moonlight, it's like a shadow hiding in the pits, in the deepest part of your existence.
It's that voice you hear when you are in a dilemma. The strong beating of your heart when you fall madly in love. That high-intensity feeling that drives you crazy on the inside.
These are your innermost feelings that you hesitate to share with others. This is precisely the reason why individuals have a stronger connection with their moon sign compared to their sun sign. It's your emotional reaction, so naturally, you feel closer to it.
Water moons are considered to be empathic and require validation emotionally. Earth moons on the other hand use stable finances as their emotional security blanket. While air and fire signs feel utmost joy without the burden of responsibility. When they are allowed to be free.

For Air Signs- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

You’re most connected with your inner self during social interactions. Here, you can express yourself intellectually.

For Fire Signs- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

You feel most connected with the real you by showing your strength and expressing your confidence.

For Earth Signs- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

You are your real self when working towards a goal and finally achieving them.

For Water Signs- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

You are highly emotional. Known to be aligned with your inner self when deep feelings are involved.

Rising Signs: When Body and Soul Collides

This is also known as a person's ascendant. It is what rules the first house in your zodiac chart. Also, it’s the first of the four angles of the chart. This is where the merging of the body and soul happens.
The rising sign already existed from the time a person takes their first breath. It is not a planet. Nor is it luminary. It's where the earth meets the sky.
If you're interested in knowing what your rising sign is, you need your birthdate, exact time, and place. The reason? Rising signs usually change every two hours. So even if you and your friend have the same birthdays, it's still possible to have varying rising signs.
So, what does your rising sign have to do with anything? Plenty. Even if you think your sun sign is more obvious, the YOU version people see for the first time is usually associated with your rising sign. It’s how you relate to other people.
To be honest, though, it really has something to do with self-preservation. People are most vulnerable when they’re in an environment wherein everything is new. So subconsciously they wear a mask. Put their best foot forward. Have an invisible armor so no one can hurt them.

For Air Signs- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

You approach life desiring to understand its meaning. You're naturally inquisitive, curious, and friendly.

For Fire Signs- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

You don't mind getting yourself dirty and doing the hard work. Making a mark in this world is your top priority.

For Earth Signs- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

You are grounded, steadfast, and never give up. That sets you apart from the rest.

For Water Signs- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

You are highly influenced by your environment. That is why you need to control it and make it conducive to your advantage.

Putting It All Together

So, how does one make sense with all of these? Simple. Understand that human beings are complex creatures and cannot be expressed using one sign alone.
Astrology is so much more than a single sign could ever do justice with. But first, you need to have your own sun, moon, and rising signs figured out. Only then will you have the power to come up with the best personal cosmic flow to work in your favor. Here’s how you do that.

Reading Your Birth Chart

How do you do this? You have a few options.
First, you can have your chart mapped out with the help of a professional astrologist. Be warned though that this can be costly, and even have a waiting period. Many of them even require meetings so you could go over the results.
Another way is by checking out a website providing a rough draft of your chart. It doesn't matter what route you take. But you're going to need your birth date, time of birth, and the exact location where you were born.
Finally, read all your horoscopes. Honestly, you would want to read all three of your horoscopes once you know the signs you have for each. If you find this hard to do, you can just read the horoscope for your rising and sun signs.


Clara Rose