With shorter hours of daylight and freezing temperatures, winter can be a challenging time to go on dates. Making time for romance is essential to relationships regardless of the weather.  Here are some unconventional winter date ideas for getting to know someone better, reigniting a flame or keeping the spark alive.

Do a Thrift Store Challenge

Browsing thrift stores and flea markets are a fun way to get to know someone. Find hidden gems browsing a flea market or window shop with your date while you chat. The items you find can be conversation starters and help you break the ice on first dates. You might be surprised how into it they are!
Dates don’t have to drain your wallet. Thrift store challenges are fun date night ideas that offer adventure and won’t break the bank. Get creative by choosing outfits for each other and then going out in public. Or, go on a scavenger hunt to find items on a list and see who can do it the fastest. Or you can create your own thrift store challenge! You can even involve your friends to make it a group or double date. 

Have a Date Night In 

Winter is the perfect time for date nights in the comfort of your home. It can be challenging when you live with your significant other to feel like it’s a date when you’re home together all the time. However, you can make any night date night with a little effort. Whether you wear pajamas, get takeout and snuggle up on the couch or dress fancy and cook for one another, date night is what you make it. 
Date nights pose the opportunity to unwind together as a couple and spend time dedicated to your relationship. Whatever that looks like for you is OK–date night is your time to connect. Date nights at home aren’t as rushed as traditional dates can be. Take the opportunity to have deep conversations or just catch up on life with your partner. Have a movie marathon, binge-watch your favorite shows starring the iconic cast of Animal House, or play video games or board games to bond with your partner.

Play in the Snow

If you’re lucky enough to have snow in the winter, you can use the unforgiving weather as a date night idea! Snow provides opportunities to go sledding, build a snowman, have a snowball fight or make snow angels with a partner. Physical activities like playing in the snow can reinforce your bond with your partner, boost your mood and provide health benefits. Consider venturing out to look at Christmas lights if it's the holiday season. 
When it’s cold outside, you rarely want to get out and get moving, but snow can make it fun. Take advantage of the snow and use it to get close to your loved ones. You can even go on a snowy hike which will likely provide breathtaking views since snow is so pretty. Cuddle up by a fire with some hot chocolate to warm up for the perfect ending to your date night. 

Visit an Arcade or Museum

Arcades are perfect for date nights because you can be competitive with your date. Visiting an arcade is a great way to show off your gaming skills and be flirty as you compete with your date. Take a trip down memory lane, enjoy the nostalgia of an arcade and see how well you can work together. Let the games begin! 
Museums are excellent places to visit in the winter since it's often dreadful outside. Museums offer history lessons, interesting art pieces and information that can spark ideas and conversations that elevate your date night. Some arcades and museums offer dining to add to your date night experience. Dining in a museum is an exquisite way to spend a winter evening and can take your date to the next level. 

Take a Cooking Class

Show off your culinary skills or improve them by bonding during a cooking class. Cooking classes provide knowledge you can use even if the date goes awry, making it a perfect first-date idea. Professional chefs teach tips and tricks during classes that can elevate your cooking skills. 
Cooking together is a fun and creative way to reconnect with your partner and use teamwork to reach a common goal. Cooking classes can strengthen existing relationships by improving teamwork skills and deepening communication. No matter how the course goes or what you learn from it, you can rest assured that you’ll have excellent food and make memories you’ll likely cherish for years to come.  

Winter Date Night Ideas

Getting creative can be challenging with dreary weather looming outdoors. That’s why these winter date night ideas will come in handy. Don’t let the weather put a damper on your love life. Use these date night ideas to have the most magical winter date nights. 


Ava Roman