If there's one thing that brides want more than anything, it's natural-looking wedding photographs. No one wants to look like they're posing for a passport photo - we want to look like ourselves, only happier and more beautiful! Thankfully, achieving a natural look in your wedding photos is easier than you think. Here are our top tips!

Carefully Choose Your Photographer

Since every photographer has a different style, it's important that you choose one whose style meshes well with your own. If you're looking for natural, candid shots, make sure to find a photographer who specializes in that! Search on Google for wedding photographers in Adelaide, Kent Town, Norwood, or you can just search for event photographer near me and take a look at their portfolios before making your decision. Look at their previous work and see if their style is what you're looking for.

Natural Light Is Better Than Artificial

This is something your chosen photographer will definitely know, but it's worth mentioning anyway! Natural light will always make you look better than artificial light, so if possible, try to take your photos outdoors. If the weather isn't cooperating or it's nighttime, don't worry - there are ways to work around that, too. Your photographer will be able to tell you what will work best in each situation.

Smile, Smile, Smile!

It sounds so simple, but smiling is one of the best things you can do to make your photos look natural. A genuine smile will light up your whole face and make you look radiant - exactly what you want on your wedding day! In addition, your eyes will naturally crinkle when you smile, which will make you look more approachable and open. That's why they say - smile with your eyes. A smile like that is impossible to fake, so let those real emotions shine through!

Try Different Angles

When most people think of wedding photos, they imagine standing side by side and staring at the camera. But there are so many other options! Get creative with your poses and try different angles. Have your photographer take some shots from above, or lie down on the ground. Get closer together or further apart. The possibilities are endless!

Get Use Of Physical Contact

One of the best ways to make your photos look natural is by using physical contact. Whether it's holding hands, hugging, or even just leaning on each other, physical contact will help you feel more connected and comfortable with each other - which will show in the photos. There are many different ways to be physically close to each other, so experiment and find what works best for you. Ask your photographer for ideas - they will surely have an idea or two to share with you.
The most important thing to remember is that your wedding photos should be a reflection of you and your spouse's personality. So relax, be yourselves, and let the camera capture the magic! With these tips in mind, you're sure to get natural-looking photos that you'll cherish for a lifetime. Congratulations and happy planning!
P.S. Don’t forget to wear a smile! :)


Daria Brown