Crystals have been known for their many beneficial properties since ancient times. Nowadays crystals and stones are becoming more and more popular. They can really help you improve your life, especially if you are a highly sensitive person. Empaths can also benefit a lot from protection crystals since they unconsciously take many emotions from other people. If you are an empath or a highly sensitive person (or both), you know that your emotions aren’t always easy to control, especially when you are surrounded by a lot of people (e.g. in your workplace). This is the reason why it’s a good idea to consider protection stones and crystals.
Crystals don’t only help you avoid negative energies but they can also keep you safe from illness or any other physical harm. If you go to work every day feeling you will be attacked by energy vampires and you come home exhausted - crystals may just be the thing for you.
However, crystals have many different purposes and there are many options to choose from. If you find it confusing or overwhelming, don’t worry. Today you will learn how to choose the best crystal for your needs and your personality. Do you want to be more motivated and focused? Or do you want to feel more relaxed and grounded? Whatever the case is, there is a crystal for you out there. 
Remember that there is a lot more than a physical world. People are sensitive creatures with different energies and empaths are just more open to absorbing them. This is the reason why they get easily stressed out, especially in these chaotic times. The good news is that there is an easy solution to help you gain back control over your emotions and enjoy your life.
Here are the best crystals for sensitive people. Let’s dive in!

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is also known as “the stone of universal love”. It encourages harmony in all your relationships, including your friendships, family relationships, or communication with your colleagues. It also looks beautiful and many pieces of crystal jewelry for empaths are often made of it. Rose quartz just gives you the feeling of peace and helps you heal yourself and love yourself more. It’s no wonder that it is associated with the fourth chakra (also known as the heart chakra). When your fourth chakra opens, you immediately feel the flow of positive energy and love and this precious crystal can help you achieve that.
It’s also associated with the water element, meaning it washes all the toxic energy and negative emotions. When you are surrounded by a lot of nervous, tense people, rose quartz may be a game-changer. It gives you balance and unconditional love while also helping you fight your feelings of suspicion and fear. After you meditate with rose quartz you will feel more powerful and connected to your inner self. Having a clear mind and controlled emotions is very important and you will see the difference in just a few days, if not right away.


Amethyst is known for its protective qualities and it’s great for people that feel overwhelmed all the time. It can be very helpful for insomnia as well. The next time you have trouble sleeping, place the amethyst crystal under the pillow and you will be amazed by the difference. It also helps with anxiety and calms your nerves. People who suffer from serious panic attacks and general anxiety reported that they started feeling better after a week of carrying this crystal with them.
Amethysts can also protect you from any physical harm and transform negative energies into positive ones. If you feel that a certain area of your home or office gives you negative vibes, try placing protective amethyst crystals around it. They should absorb all the negativity and turn it into loving energy.
It’s important to keep your amethyst on when you are around other people because it also protects you from “attacks of the mind” (which empaths are prone to). This includes negative talk, gossip, or unwanted attention. Amethyst will help you detach yourself from other people, especially in the work environment. Sometimes empaths and highly sensitive people really struggle to determine which emotions are their own and which are just the feelings coming from those around them. Amethyst is great for your mind and it will allow you to feel calm, relaxed, and balanced.


This milky white crystal attracts good fortune and it’s also known as “the lovers’ gemstone”. If you need to start over and you are looking for strength to grow, this is the perfect crystal for you. It is known for stabilizing your emotions and it helps stress reduction as well. Moonstone improves your intuition and it’s great if you need more success in your business. Words such as good fortune and inspiration are often associated with this amazing crystal. 
It’s also believed that moonstone protects travelers, so make sure you bring it with you the next time you go on a trip. It is associated with your sacral chakra and therefore stimulates growth and enhances your abilities.
If you are a lady, you should definitely consider meditation with a moonstone. The moon represents female energy and this mysterious crystal is known to benefit the female reproductive system (it can reduce menstrual cycle issues, help your PMS symptoms, increase fertility, and help your hormonal balance).

Smokey Quartz

This amazing crystal gives you protection, balance, and grounding. It is connected to your root chakra and really helps you calm down. If you had a stressful day at work, smoky quartz can protect you from feeling drained and reduce your stress levels. Make sure you keep it with you when you are around many people, especially if those people are nervous and negative. 
Experts consider smokey quartz a “bodyguard against negative energy”. It can absorb all the toxic feelings and return them to Earth where they are naturally cleansed and transformed into love. 
Crystals can offer precious help and protection to empaths and highly sensitive people. Everybody needs different things and will react differently to specific crystals, which is the reason why it’s important to know the basics and do your research. Follow this guide to find the best option for yourself or for your loved ones.


Daria Brown