Let’s take a break from SEO jargon and WordPress tips to focus on something a little more calming: the lochs of Scotland. 
Some 30,000 freshwater lochs dot the country of Scotland. These range from tiny lochans in the western and northern Highlands to vast, dramatic bodies of water like loch Lomond. Most larger lochs are found in curved valleys created through glaciation during ice ages. They are some of the most beautiful bodies of water in the world, and have many legends and folkloric traditions associated with them. 
Scotland is known the world over as a place dominated by mountains and water. From the great business water rates in Scotland to the pure taste of ice cold highland water (and the whisky made using said water), the country is synonymous with the results of aquatic movement. Through the years, Scotland has lured in businesses and individuals that value water above all else.
Although almost all Scottish lochs are stunning, some really take the cake. Here are some of the most beautiful lochs in the country. 
Loch Ness
Perhaps the most famous and storied freshwater lake in the world, loch Ness is a truly beautiful place. The loch contains more water than all of the lakes in England and Wales combined, and is surrounded by dramatic mountains and ruined fortifications. 
It is not just beauty that has made loch Ness such a famous lake. The cryptid reptilian monster ‘Nessie’ is said to lurk in the great depths of the great loch. Apart from a few blurry photos, nobody has actually gathered any evidence of Nessie existing. This has not stopped hundreds of adventurers and eccentrics undertaking Nessie finding expeditions. 
Loch Lomond
Loch Lomond is the largest of the Scottish freshwater lakes. It is 22.6 miles long from end to end, and contains 0.62 cubic miles of water. It is considered to form a natural boundary between the highlands and central Scotland. Surrounded by hills and stretching as far as the eye can see, loch Lomond is a national treasure for proud Scots. 
Loch Coruisk
Another loch connected with a supernatural folkloric creature, loch Coruisk is said to be the home of a magical Kelpie: a shape-shifting water creature that can take human form. Located on the Isle of Skye, the scenery surrounding loch Coruisk is some of the most rugged and extreme in the entirety of the British Isles. It was painted by the romantic artist Sidney Richard Percy, who perfectly captured the drama of the landscape. 
Loch Shiel
Best known outside of Scotland as the filming location for Hogwarts’ Black Lake in the Harry Potter series of films, loch Shiel certainly emanates a magical atmosphere. Located in the highlands, the loch is punctuated by small islands. One of these islands is the home for the majestic ruins of Eilean Fhianain, a chapel and clan burial place that is now a scheduled ancient monument. The loch is in a strategic position, and has been the site of important battles in Scottish history. 


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