As the economy changed over the years, it quickly became apparent that families can not survive on one salary alone, and women, being the go-getters that we are, decided to jump into the job market. 
Women didn’t just stop at getting a job; they rose through the ranks to become successful business owners as well. In this article, we look at some of these successful women and where they started; perhaps their success can inspire your future success. 

A Natural Evolution  - Sue Bryce

Sue Bryce didn’t set out to be a successful entrepreneur; in fact, she didn’t start her business because she had a great desire to do so. She started the company because it was necessary. If you are working in an industry for 13 years and you are still an employee without many growth prospects, then you should realize that something has got to change.
Sue decided to take a big, uncertain step by focusing on her passion and education. Luckily for her, it paid off. She rose to success with a continuous focus on improving her education in a field that she was passionate about.  
Today Sue is one of the most recognized photographers in the imaging industry with over 20 years of experience in the field. 

Don’t Take Anything Personally - Sophia Amoruso

Great advice from Sophia Amoruso is to not give up, not to take things personally, and most importantly, do not take no for an answer. You are not going to take it personally if you follow advice from a friend about the MLB odds that don’t pan out, or the restaurant they recommend has a ‘mare of a day on your visit. Well, the same goes for your career.
Do you think that Sophia could have started her successful Nasty Gal eBay store in 2006 and turned it into a multi-million dollar empire that led to her own clothing line if she gave up? The answer is no! Funny enough Sophia had no fashion or business experience before starting her store, and now she has her own clothing line! 
When Sophia started her eBay store, she didn’t know how big of a success it would turn out to be; perhaps if you follow your passion, success awaits you as well. 

I Need To Make A Career Move - Pamela Slim

Pamela Slim realized on her 30th birthday that she needed a career change. She was working 15 hours a day trying to juggle work, health, and family. It became too much, and she realized that something has got to give. 
A more cautious person would have stayed in her job and formulated a plan, which you would probably never put into place. Pamela took a leap of faith without a plan, and this is her advice to her clients. Pamela started working as a consultant for one of her previous bosses, and she realized that she loved being a consultant.
The ten years that she spent building her previous career quickly came in handy in her consulting firm. She knew how to build networks, mobile people, sell and market, and all of this she can effectively help her clients with. 
You can set yourself up for success. It doesn’t matter how or why you decide to start your own business or career; as long as you work hard on something that you are passionate about, you will be on your way to success.


Sophie H.