Before successful boss ladies go to bed, they have a routine to tackle what goes on after hours. They do activities that relax and inspires them, but that also refresh the passion they have for their business and day-to-day life. So if you ever wondered what exactly are those things (and want to try them), here are the seven things that outstanding leaders do before they go to sleep.
1. Write about the day.
Journal your three favorite things from the day. People don't frown about any failures but learn from it. Reflect on what worked and what did not work, focus on the positive things you did, and use any missed targets as the bar for success in the future – the next day (see number 3).
2. Get inspired.
Read quotes from ladypreneurs that you find inspiring or made you smile, passages from the Bible, or lines by Shakespeare (“Heavy lies the head that wears the crown.”); they are simple antidotes to live by.
This is also a great time to read industry news or longer articles that you saved during the day. As you read, write down ideas and notes of things that inspired you.
3. Visualize the next day.
Do a quick review of what you’ll do the next day. Take a few minutes to think about what are the most urgent and important tasks, write them down and envision how you are going to accomplish them. This technique helps you go to bed with a clear mind and will give you a head start when you wake up in the morning.
4. Read a good book.
Many successful women such as Arianna Huffington opt to read an actual book before dozing off into a restful slumber. Keep a stack of books by your nightstand and set a goal to read at least one page before bed to create a habit. Read books that don’t relate to work like novels, poetry, history books, philosophy, biographies – anything. Among the most popular: The Great Gatsby, Atlas Shrugged, Moby Dick, and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.
5. Get enough sleep.
Set your alarm so you stay on a regular schedule. People who stick to the same sleep schedule often have more energy to get through their day. Use apps like to find out when to wake up. Another option is using the app Sleep Cycle that helps with tracking sleep and wakes up naturally.
6. Workout, meditate and eat healthy snacks.
Exercise is a great way to get your body ready for sleep. Either workout at the gym before bed, do some light yoga poses or even a nightcap can help get your body ready for bed. If you already did your workout for the day, another option is to take a few minutes before bed to meditate. It’s a great way to relax your body and quiet your mind. There is also the concern of getting hungry before going to bed. If you go to bed hungry, it could interfere with your sleep schedule. Carefully plan for doing exercise and having a healthy snack before bed. Some great before-bed snacks are a tablespoon of almond butter on a slice of whole wheat toast, a few crackers with cheese and half cup of Greek yogurt.
7. Spend time with friends and family.
Success starts from within. Spending quality time with family and friends is important because it keeps you grounded to your roots and to what really matters. That’s the connection you have with your loved ones. Plan out fun things to do like meeting them for a drink, cooking together or seeing a movie on a weekday. It's vital to make some time to chat with your partner or spouse, talk to your kids, or even play with your dog.
Rose Wheeler