Dietary supplements stretch back to as long ago as the mid-20th century. Back then vitamins were being isolated so that they could aid in patients’ health and recovery.
Now though, the list of supplements is almost endless. Not only are there still vitamin tablets and sweets for children, but there are energy drinks and protein bars for athletes.
Gym goers will often be seen using high-protein bars to aid recovery times, and fun runners munch on energy bars to keep going.
It is widely known that drinking too many energy drinks can lead to health concerns, but what about dietary supplements?
Vitamins, amino acids, nutrients. Is there any concern with taking these to supplement your regular diet, or is it ok to consume whatever you like?

How large is the dietary supplement market today?

It is crucial to understand what falls under the dietary supplement market. Generally speaking, this would encompass amino acids, botanicals, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, herbs, and some other areas.
There can be some confusion here because some brands like to market their products as dietary supplements also. Companies such as Red Bull and Monster label their sugar-laden drinks as dietary supplements.
While most people would consider taking vitamin C as an aid to health, they wouldn’t consider consuming an energy drink with 10 grams of sugar the same.
Nevertheless, they both come under dietary supplements and will continue to do so unless the FDA acts.
Grand View Research has reported that the world's dietary supplement market was worth $140 billion in 2020. With these figures in mind, it is obvious why brand names would like to be associated with this sector, and not the fizzy drinks market.

What are the most popular supplements?

While the market is vast and extremely popular, some supplements outsell all the others.
It may not be unexpected to discover that the original dietary supplement, vitamins, is the most popular.
The NCBI has reported that the most popular dietary supplements are multivitamins. These are followed by iron, probiotics, omega 3-fatty acids, and even green tea.
The use of amino acids is also on the rise, especially among patients recovering from illness, or athletes. While no one would consider there to be anything wrong with green tea, what about other areas such as amino acids?
Is it necessary to consume supplements if your diet is already balanced and healthy?

What are amino acids?

Amino acids are compounds made up of various elements including oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and sulfur.
Without these acids, you would not be able to exist. Amino acids are vital for creating protein, and there are 20 different types. Without protein, you would have no muscle, hair, nails, skin, blood, etc. The body is created from proteins, which come from amino acids.
Out of all the amino acids, 11 of them are created by the body itself. 9 more are essential amino acids, and the body cannot create them.
These acids, you would normally get through your diet.

Why would you need dietary supplements?

While ideally, everyone would receive all the vitamins and minerals they require through their diet, this often doesn’t happen.
Lifestyles can affect what nutrients are being consumed and absorbed. Plus some people need more than others.
Taking extra vitamins and minerals can ensure that you are taking in enough of the essential nutrients you need to maintain good health. Anyone participating in sports, or recovering from surgery, will need extra nutrients.
They can also help with mental wellness, as well as physical health. For instance, Amino acids at RawPowders can help to improve mood disorders, and this includes depression.
Amino acids can also wid with weight loss and boost sporting performance.
Green tea can also assist with weight loss and can also help to reduce cholesterol.

So, are all dietary supplements beneficial for you?

That will depend on what you choose to consume, and why. There is definitely a darker side to these supplements when you consider some of the claims that have been made in the past.
However, the FDA monitors dietary supplements carefully, and through considered choice, you could improve some areas of your health with them.
Taken in the correct amount, most dietary supplements should be of benefit.
For instance, vitamin D is hard to get from a diet alone. It largely comes from the sun, and in many cases, it could be worth taking this as a supplement. If someone was in a country that had little sunlight for example.
There are many benefits to taking supplements to aid your health, but if you overdo it, there could be some problems.

What could happen if you consume too many dietary supplements?

Energy drinks are perhaps the most obvious concern. Consuming one of these is not going to be too harmful, but drinking several a day could be detrimental to your health.
These drinks typically contain high amounts of sugar and caffeine. In some cases they also have taurine.
They have been linked to obesity, dental problems, diabetes, heart problems such as abnormal rhythms, and fatalities.
Before you believe that you are ok because you only take vitamin supplements, you may want to understand the dangers there too.
Are there any dangers with consuming excess vitamins, minerals, and amino acids?
You may think that there are no problems with consuming extra vitamins, but there are indeed some side effects.

Vitamin C

Everyone knows that when you have a cold it is time to break out the vitamin C. Too much though, could lead to nausea, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea.


This is a great antioxidant and can help to protect the heart. However, consuming too much can lead to your hair falling out, slight nerve damage, and gastrointestinal issues.

Amino acids

These have been proven to help improve some mood disorders but the opposite can occur if too much is taken. An excess of amino acids can bring about fatigue, nausea, as well as a stomach upset.


One of the most common dietary supplements. You need this to produce hemoglobin and for the body’s development. Too much though can cause some mild to serious health problems.
Regularly taking too much iron can lead to stomach problems. These can include cramps and vomiting. If you continue to do this over a period of time, it could be fatal as the iron builds up in the liver and brain.


A high protein diet is used by many sportspeople. Boxers, runners, bodybuilders, etc. Protein helps muscles to repair and gain strength after workouts, and can also help lose excess fat.
Too much protein though is a serious concern. It can cause everything from bad breath to kidney damage, a higher risk of cancer, and heart disease.


In general, the dietary supplement market is safe. All products must be labeled correctly with RDA percentages and approved by the FDA.
However, there are some facts about vitamins and supplements you should know. And these include understanding when to take supplements, and how much you actually need.
There is a darker side to the dietary supplement market, but it largely concerns sugary drinks rather than any bad practices.
For complete peace of mind, it is always wise to consult a health professional before adding supplements to your diet.


Siarra K