At a time when workers are burnt out and full of anxiety, the term “energy exchange” is a much-needed answer to our calls for change in the workplace. Why? Because it represents giving, understanding reciprocity, people do business with people and the vibes you PUT OUT are the vibes you GET BACK. Workers are stressed. The risk of PTSD for working adults is up 61% since the start of February 2021 and now 83% higher than pre-pandemic (source).
Everything we do in business can be boiled down to energy exchanges—managing clients, networking, bartering, offering services & time, sharing advice, carving out pathways, opening doors, and so on. Your energy is your power, and when you sense or experience negative energy from someone else, don’t let it debilitate you—take control of the situation. Perhaps you need to walk away from the person or re-negotiate the terms of your relationship. Sometimes you need to let the person know how their actions are affecting those around them.  Saying, “No, this isn’t a fit for me anymore,” is hard to do at times even when it is the best choice when trying to maintain balance for yourself.
COVID-19 has taught us a lot about resiliency, community and survival. After years of working in the client services industry and facing tough times myself as a business owner, I have learned that there are two things that are the ultimate Achilles heels for our community: short-sightedness and bad energy exchanges. Your negative aura can make you seem inaccessible, ungrateful, entitled, uninspired, and not deserving of other people’s time and energy to bring you to the next level. Many times, it is your short sightedness that cultivates your bad energy, which will hold you back, prevent you from growing to your full potential and push people away.
Here are three tips to cultivating positive energy exchanges, even during the worst of times for your business:
·      Stop being the victim: As harsh as that may sound, victimizing yourself doesn’t bring you success. Most of us have suffered this past year in the business community, we get it. If you are going to persevere and overcome the adversity, start planning how you will take control and turn weaknesses into wins and struggles into successes. Be open to new opportunities that may be uncharted territories, recognizing that your team’s or your own small wins (no matter HOW small) could bring you closer to bigger wins.
·      Show gratitude: It wasn’t until my second PR agency job that I learned the value of telling those you manage, as well as your boss, “Thank you.” Those two words bring an ocean of respect and motivation. Publicly thanking is even better—whether it be on social media or over email to relevant partners. Sending a card or even a basket of goodies reminds people of your gratitude and helps you remain memorable to new connections that could help you attain your goals.
·      Manifest your success: Instead of constantly thinking about what you CANNOT do, focus on what you CAN and WANT to do. Write it down. Allow yourself to dream. Be open to outcomes and think positively about the future, because if all you do is focus on the negative, that is what you will manifest. At the beginning of each month, I write down my personal and business goals for the next four weeks or longer, and I try to hold myself accountable to them with deadlines. It allows me to look ahead and evaluate what steps need to be taken and who I need to speak with or ask for help to bring these goals to fruition. If people don’t know your goals, they cannot help you to the best of their ability.