1. Protein Before Anything Else
2. Use Protein Powder
3. Nibble on Cheese
4. Crack More Eggs
5. Snack on Nuts
6. Drink Protein Shakes
7. Eat More Meat
Jacob Maslowby Jacob Maslow · 15 Feb 2023 · 5 min read
Jacob MaslowIt's challenging to think that it takes a global pandemic to force us to prioritize our health and wellness, but instead of dwelling on the past, I am encouraging my clients to use this time to create a healthy and sustainable wellness routine — for the pandemic and beyond.However, in these stressful and uncertain times adding on even more to our busy schedule can feel overwhelming and even somewhat paralyzing. In this article I'll guide you through the tools and strategies I use with my clients to create a routine that works for you, enabling you to prioritize your wellness during a pandemic.
With a lack of certainty surrounding the future, being and feeling healthy may help bring the security that you need during these unpredictable times. When it comes to your health, there is a direct relationship between nutrition and physical activity that play an enormous part in physical, mental, and social well-being. As COVID-19 continues to impact almost every aspect of our lives, the uncertainty of the future may seem looming. Sometimes improvisation is necessary, and understanding how to stay healthy and fit can significantly help you manage your well-being during these times.
The medical and wellness communities are increasingly abuzz about the importance of optimizing the gut microbiome (comprised of the trillions of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microscopic living things we refer to as microbes, all persisting happily in our intestines and digestive tract). Most of us are aware that we can affect our gut health by increasing our intake of certain foods, such as the natural probiotics found in foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and many brands of yogurt.
Summer can be a great time to go into vacation mode, sit back and relax. However, for many parents who work during the summer, squeezing in time to be with their children and keeping them entertained can be challenging. With warmer weather comes a lot of expectations of fun family adventures, but trying to meet these high expectations can be especially stressful. Trying to meet these expectations can lead to considerable stress and, as a result, emotional eating and unwanted weight gain. To eat healthily, we have also to eat mindfully. Here are five ways to help you become more aware of what you are consuming, which can lead to smarter choices.