When it comes to modifying your house and upgrading it to something you’ve never handled before, it can get tough. Smart houses aren’t a new invention, but they are not as commonly used as you might think. Well, technically some houses are already partially smart, whether they have security cameras or a talking AI assistant in their house. Since you are delving into something like this, problems are bound to arise at some point, and you need to know the basics on how to properly react in those situations! So here are some tips and tricks on how to fix smart home problems!

Check the Router

Truth be told, the internet is used in every field and in every type of way, especially in your day-to-day activities. Well, smart houses are usually solely run by Wi-Fi, making it an extremely valuable and important factor in running the house smoothly. You probably get annoyed when you can’t access the internet from your phone or computer, but imagine how your daily life can change if one of your primary devices stops working. So in order to control certain parts of your house, you'll need to use your phone and most notably the Wi-Fi on it...so if this is impossible the connection is either buggy or fully broken, leaving you unable to do anything. Before you start jumping to conclusions that something bad might be going on, try to restrain from the worst possible scenario, and consider another, lighter problem that might be going on!

Hardware Failure

It’s not rocket science, software and hardware go through malfunction all the time, regardless of how technologically improved they may seem. For instance, having a robot vacuum is extremely helpful and saves you lots of time and energy - but you can’t forget that it can break down like any regular vacuum cleaner. That’s why you need to understand the hardware of the item itself, so being familiar with the detailed rundown of the specs is pretty useful! It can be super annoying to think that the item is entirely broken, so always make sure that something can be fixed rather than thrown away, especially when it comes to things with a bigger price tag!

No Power

So you are probably aware that all of your smart devices in your homes are actually powered by electricity or other forms of power like batteries. But, what happens if you run out of power, and you don’t notice it happened? It’s hard to tell because it can vary from one device to another, but usually, they’ll have a specific indicator that will help you troubleshoot the problem itself. Something like a smart doorbell will most likely show a sign when it’s not receiving power like a blinking LED light. It’s up to you to notice small changes and details about these products and know-how to differentiate the issues. A lot of things might be causing this problem, but figuring out that something is happening is the first step in solving every problem!

Cut Back on Wasteful Energy

Everyone is forgetful sometimes, but in most cases, it wouldn’t cost you as much as another. As you already know, electricity is not cheap and the bills can be pretty high sometimes, especially if you have a smart house that’s running solely on electricity and Wi-Fi. That’s why you need to cut corners everywhere you can, from turning all your devices off instead of just letting them stay plugged, to having a set temperature on your thermostat. During the winter, you might accidentally switch up to a higher temperature and maybe even leave it overnight, causing your bills to grow bigger and bigger, not to mention if you have family members living with you who have no idea how to use these devices. That’s why setting a certain temperature is the best!

It’s Not as Bad as it May Seem

Sometimes you can overreact when a device isn’t working properly, especially if it’s a big part of your daily house life. But sometimes, the problem might seem way bigger than it actually is, so try to think about the easier ways you can fix something. Rebooting your device might help, and so turning it on and off can actually do the trick, as some devices experience short term bugs, so nothing to worry about! It’s always important to remain calm and look at the situation from a reasonable point of view, the solution might be easier than you think!
Smart homes could be the future of how we live, and for a good reason - they can make your quality of life better and easier. But it’s also important to consider the fact that nothing is perfect, not even the AI and robots, so be patient with your new technologically improved home! Everything is evolving and changing, and chances are that these devices will be considered funny in a decade or two - so cherish them today!


Daria Brown