Do you ever feel as though you’re just not good enough? Maybe this is in general terms in your life, or perhaps it’s more specific – perhaps it’s to do with your career. Many people suffer from ‘imposter syndrome’ where they feel as though they aren’t as good as they need to be and that they will be ‘found out’ at any moment. This can turn into anxiety and stress, and it can become a very big problem. 
At the very least, this feeling of not being good enough can mean you lose confidence in yourself. You won’t push yourself forward in your career, and you won’t look for any opportunities. This is unfortunate for many reasons, and it is highly likely that you are as good as you need and want to be or that you can make yourself better if that is required. 
Although it will be hard to break out of that feeling of ‘not good enough’, there are some things you can do that will make you as good as possible in your career, and that will boost your confidence and show you that you certainly are good enough. With that in mind, here are some things you can try that will help you feel better and be better overall. 

Choose The Right Career

Make sure you've chosen the right job, whether you're just starting out or you're already well-known in your field. Think about whether or not you could do your job every day. Your job should fit with who you are, what you like, and what you believe in.
If you're not sure if you've chosen the right career, you might want to take a self-assessment test. Depending on how you answer the questions, the test can match you to a career. You can also talk to a career counselor or do a lot of research on your own about a certain job and all of its details, such as its duties, pay, and job outlook.
The point is, if you don’t enjoy what you do, you’re not going to be motivated to do more and do it better. You’ll be bored and potentially miserable, and there is no need to be when there is so much choice out there. 

Start Small 

If you have been telling yourself that there must be more you can do, then you’re in the right mindset to start looking for opportunities. However, it’s crucial you don’t jump in too soon and rush. It’s tempting to do this but rushing and doing too much at once can lead to failure and make your bad feelings even worse. This is why it’s far better to start small and take things a little bit at a time. 
However, even though you should start small, that doesn’t mean you should dream small. Dreaming big is important, as it will help you formulate a plan to stick to to ensure you are the best at what you do and get as far ahead as you can, reducing your feelings of imposter syndrome, inadequacy, and any other negative thoughts you might be having. When you have a plan, you can take what you need to do step by step. This makes the entire process less overwhelming, and it means you can celebrate your small achievements. Plus, this will give you periodic confirmation that you are doing well and doing the right thing. 

Keep Learning

One of the best things you can do to be the best, no matter what it is you do, is to keep learning. The more you know, the better you will be, but this will also make you a lot more confident as well. Therefore, it’s a good idea to look into what additional learning and, even better, what additional qualifications you might need in your particular career. With more qualifications, you can take your career to the next level and beyond you want to, but even if you prefer to stay at the level you are, it will give you a lot more knowledge and, as is always important, confidence. 
Learning also ensures you keep your brain active. This is crucial for good mental health, and it can even have a positive impact on your physical health too. On top of all this, it will show your employers that you are dedicated to your work; this will mean you are considered for promotions and other responsibilities, helping you become better, earn more, and improve your self-confidence immensely. 

Take The Initiative 

Going above and beyond your job role may benefit your career, even if doing so isn't required. Get creative and think outside the box in order to come up with new projects and opportunities for your company or organization. Your management will see you as a self-starter if you take the lead in your task.
Perhaps you’ll look for worksheets online to give your students more information if you’re a teacher. Maybe you’ll go back to school for more qualifications as mentioned above. Perhaps you’ll join a group or online forum to get more information about how to do your job well. Doing more than is expected is a great way to get ahead. 

Do What You Want To Do

Something that can easily be forgotten in life is that we need to enjoy the work we do. It can often feel as though we just need to find a job quickly, something that pays the bills and fits in with our schedules (or something we can change our schedules to fit, as might be the case). This can work out well, but it can also be a very bad thing indeed, and it could be that you get stuck in a job or career that you have no passion for, just because it seemed like it was something you were meant to do, and what was expected of you. 
It's far better to take your time and find something you are passionate about. If need be, you could take a part-time job that will allow you the time and space you need to explore your own likes and dislikes and discover what you’re good at and have a real interest in. When you have the time to do this, and you focus on discovering more about yourself, it’s much more likely that you will be happy in whatever career it is you choose. This means you’ll have greater job satisfaction, you’ll be more confident in your abilities, you’ll be keener to learn (because you’re interested in the subject matter), and you’ll be able to map out an exciting future. Always do what you want to do, not what others expect you to do, and you’ll get much further and truly be the best. 

Learn From Your Mistakes 

There is not one single person in this world who has never made a mistake. Human beings are fallible creatures, and we’re constantly learning (even if that is not formal learning in a classroom or through a screen). This means that, although we make mistakes – and you will make them too – as long as we learn from them, we can still get ahead. A mistake gives you the opportunity to find out how things should be done, and, in most cases, you’ll only make a mistake once because you’ll understand what went wrong and formulate a new plan. 
If you can do this every time you make a mistake, you’ll become confident, and you’ll become better at your work. It might sound strange to say that mistakes are good for you, but they are, as long as you don’t keep repeating them or don’t realize they even were mistakes.


Sophie H.