One of the most annoying skincare concerns is hyperpigmentation, which seems to occur so suddenly, as if you wake up and right there on your forehead, cheeks, and chin are brown spots.
One example is the kind of hyperpigmentation that happens after popping a big pimple. It can take months for this to face on its own and UV-induced fading requires time (unlike other types of fading).
Dr. Schwarzburg is a board certified cosmetic physician and owner of Skinly Aesthetics Medical Spa, and he helped me understand all kinds of options that can be used to eliminate or speed up the reduction of hyperpigmented skin. Here are his comments.
What is Hyperpigmentation?
When your body produces too much melanin, it usually appears as spots or patches on your skin. Your skin may have freckles from hyperpigmentation. Freckles are usually harmless since they are caused by excess melanin production.
You may also develop age spots based on your skin. Even though they are sometimes called liver spots, they have nothing to do with your liver. Dark splotches appear on the skin as a result of sun damage, and other factors. Despite being more prevalent among older people, young adults can also develop this condition if they get a large amount of sun exposure. Sun exposure and sunblock can help prevent age spots later in life.
Where does it come from?
There are a number of conditions that may cause these symptoms, such as Addison's disease, hyperthyroidism, and hemochromatosis. The condition can also occur as a side effect of certain medications.
Dermatologists and doctors at Miracle Face MedSpa generally report localized hyperpigmentation when they see direct damage or inflammation to the skin. During skin inflammation, our immune system signals the brown pigment-producing cells, melanocytes, to produce more brown pigment. The cause of this inflammation includes sun damage, acne, harsh chemicals on the skin, and hormonal changes during pregnancy and pill use.
Can I get hyperpigmentation?
Many people develop hyperpigmentation, unfortunately. Schwarzburg explains that at the dermo-epidermal junction layer, pigment-producing skin cells can become hyperactive, leading to hyperpigmentation and sun spots.
Can you avoid it?
The earliest possible treatment of wounds is essential in catching problem areas. Pimples and insect bites result in infection and inflammation of the skin, which leads to hyperpigmentation. Be careful not to pick at remnants (like acne scars) and avoid harsh products.
Whatever the reason (even if you don't recall being injured), take proper sun care precautions. Make sure you wear hats and other occlusive clothing and apply sunscreen with a high SPF to prevent hyperpigmentation.
You should limit your use of retinol during the day to avoid your skin being destabilized by ultraviolet light, which in turn would increase your risk of photosensitivity. Make sure your skincare products contain pigment-stabilizing ingredients, hormonal ingredients, and ones that prevent breakouts.
Hyperpigmentation: Is it reversible?
It is impossible for a single treatment to eliminate all signs and symptoms of hyperpigmentation. Genetic, metabolic, hormonal, and environmental components all contribute to the condition. Taking a multitherapy, holistic approach to treating the patient can produce even better results. We can often reduce and even eliminate hair loss by combining home and clinic treatments.
We will not all find it easy. Post-inflammatory pigmentation (PIH) and dark skin types pose the greatest challenge to treatment.
UV and sun protection
It is recommended that you use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that has both minerals and chemical blocking agents, such as titanium dioxide and ethyl salicylate.
Try to avoid anything that prolongs pigment deposition in the skin or prevents hyperpigmentation from resolving spontaneously as a first step. Protect your skin from UV rays by wearing sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.
Over The Counter Topical products
One of our friends, retinol, can help if we use it at night only. In a cosmeceutical formulation, vitamin A (retinol) 0.5 percent to 1 percent provides multi-tasking properties, it reduces cell damage, boosts cellular repair, regulates oil production, promotes collagen formation, and reduces pigmentation. In addition to stabilizing melanocytes, it aids in the breakdown of melanin. It must be packed in opaque packaging if it contains this magical ingredient (UV rays destabilize it).
The topical use of sunflowers (which contain B vitamins), niacin, and pantothenic acid (could also be known as vitamin B5) will brighten your skin. Dr. S suggests avoiding bleaching agents to get a lighter complexion. It might worsen pigmentation and lead to scarring. In addition, there are prescription lightening creams (such as those containing kojic acid and hydroquinone) that can erase stubborn dark spots.
Alternatives include creams, washes, and solutions containing ingredients such as vitamin C and glycolic acid. In addition to using physical exfoliants, you can also use chemical exfoliants. Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive exfoliation procedure.
Medical grade treatments
A dermatologist can prescribe the best treatment plan for your hyperpigmentation based on your unique case, taking into account advanced treatments and procedures.
Typically, peels are used to treat hyperpigmentation in the clinic. Topicals are also commonly used. By using arbutase and retinol on pigment cells, and hydroxy acids on cell death, arbutase and retinol even out the skin.
Laser therapy is a great choice for many people. Insofar as they stimulate pigment cells that haven't been effectively destroyed, they can pose a modest risk.
One of the most important tools for treating hyperpigmentation is patience. It is also important to maintain patience and reassurance during the treatment process.


Sarah Graham