Let’s face it. Most of us could take better care of ourselves, especially when it comes to our food choices. This is usually doubly true of those with hectic work schedules.

Often life gets in the way and finding the time to really look after ourselves is hard. In today’s fast paced society where not only are we striving for success at work but at home too.

In fact, we are also often striving for the success of others, like our kids. Spending time running them back and forward between numerous sporting events and acting classes in hopes they will become the next Cam Newton or Emma Stone.

But the fact is, maintaining your health should be the most important thing. Above work, above the day to day to-do list. Because guess what, if you’re not healthy, you cannot succeed at home or work.

Eating For Success

Let’s look at a typical scenario: It comes to lunch time, you’ve been working since the early hours and your stomach thinks someone has sewn your mouth closed!

Hunger pangs are raging and cravings kick in for greasy fast food. Of course, this seems more appealing at the time than a salad, but the absence of essential nutrients in that burger can mean your post-lunch productivity will take a hit.

Do you know there are foods which adjust your brain chemistry? Lifting your mood, increasing your focus and leaving you energized? For your busy corporate executive or entrepreneur, a diet packed with ‘brain foods’ is a must.

Which Foods Are The Best For Brain Boost?

Fish – Salmon is particularly good for a brain boost.Rich with omega 3 essential fatty acids and a good source of vitamin B12, both of which are vital for a healthy mind

Eggs – Eggs are rich with protein which contains the amino acid tryptophan which helps make serotonin – the hormone responsible for making you feel happy. Eggs also contain vitamin B12 which aids memory and concentration.

Blueberries –Beneficial to memory and learning, blueberries are labelled as one of nature’s superfoods. They don’t just taste great but can protect the brain from stress and damage.

Leafy greens – Your favorite leafy green vegetables are rich in folic acid which is said to fend off memory loss, making spinach an excellent addition to any salad.

Although certain foods (such as those mentioned above) are excellent choices for boosting brain power in order to achieve success, it is important to understand why.

When it comes to nutrition, most people know some foods are good and some are bad. Most people think of this in the most simple terms of how food affects our weight, but it goes much further than that.

Different nutrients have different functions within the human body.Ensuring your diet is packed with the right nutrients can guide you on an unlimited path to success.

Fatty Acids – fatty acids, most notably the omega 3 variety, promote brain health and improve memory.

Glucose – the brain converts the foods we eat into glucose, which it then uses as fuel in order to allow the brain to work at its best and stay alert.

Amino Acids– amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Certain amino acids build neurotransmitters in the brain which control mood, motivation, anxiety, learning and memory.

Antioxidants – Free radicals are created when glucose is processed into energy.This is a natural and important process, however, too high a number of free radicals can be harmful to cells and can cause numerous diseases including cancer. Antioxidants fight free radicals and are important to help your brain stay healthy.

Timing Is Crucial

Not only is good nutrition a factor in how successful you are, but the timing of when you eat could also play a major role. This is why it is important to not allow hunger to dictate your eating patterns.

Breakfast is known for being the most important meal of the day, but the harsh reality is that up to 30% of the population skip it. Research suggests that breakfast consumption may improve cognitive function related to memory, test grades, and for children even school attendance.

Research suggests that the best time to have breakfast is between 7 and 7:30 a.m., lunch between 12:30 and 1 p.m., and dinner between 6 and 6:30 p.m.

Although this can be difficult what with sporadic meetings daily, but having rough guidelines of meal structure is certainly beneficial.


Helen Sanders

Helen Sanders is chief editor at HealthAmbition.com. Established in 2012, Health Ambition has grown rapidly in recent years. Our goal is to provide easy-to-understand health and nutrition advice that makes a real impact. We pride ourselves on making sure our actionable advice can be followed by regular people with busy lives