If you aren’t comfortable, then you won’t be able to relax. The world can be a very stressful place, so it’s not uncommon for people to spend their entire lives feeling uncomfortable. If you are one such person, then it’s time for you to change this. Learning to relax and feel more comfortable can be challenging, but it is possible.
Everybody is different, and everybody’s situation is unique. For this reason, some of the suggestions made in this post might not work for you. Be sure to give them a try, however.
Here is how you can begin feeling more comfortable in your daily life:

Smoking Cannabis

Cannabis is an extremely effective way of feeling more comfortable because the drug is a relaxant. If you are going to take up Cannabis smoking so that you can relax more, then it’s worth using pipes or bongs so that you get a smoother hit, that’s less harsh on your throat. In addition to using pipes, you could invest in a ‘freeze pipe’ which is a newly created pipe that utilizes frozen glycerine to reduce the harshness of smoke and cool it down. Burning your throat while smoking Cannabis through a joint isn’t going to make you feel very comfortable.

Practicing Meditation

Meditation is an extremely effective method of feeling more comfortable and relaxing. Buddhism, where meditation originated from, has many different schools of thought. Because of this, there are many different types of meditation. If you are going to begin practicing it, then it’s a good idea to find a type that’s right for you. You can do this by watching online tutorials, reading books, and attending lectures. Regardless of your religion, you can practice meditation. You don’t have to be Buddhist to practice it.

Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are typically associated with meditation, particularly mindfulness meditation, which is traditionally associated with Japanese Zen Buddhism, Chinese Chan Buddhism, and Taoism. You don’t have to meditate (formally at least), to practice breathing exercises though. If this is something that you are interested in, then there are lots of online learning resources worth checking out. Learning to control and regulate your breathing can significantly reduce panic attacks, depression, and general anxiety. Breathing exercises can also help to treat PTSD and other stress disorders.

Outdoor Yoga

Yoga is another Eastern art designed to put one in touch with one’s mind and body. It is an extremely effective method of alleviating anxiety and depression and can also be used to increase one’s fitness levels and general strength. Yoga is practiced by many fitness fanatics, because of how effective it is at building bodily strength. Yoga varies depending on the school of thought behind it, but more often than not involves stretches and breathing exercises. Yoga can be performed prior to working out or afterwards. It can even be performed as a workout in its own right. Yoga compliments Pilates very well, so it might be worth taking them both up.

Healthy Diet

If you don’t eat healthily, then you won’t have a healthy mind. An unhealthy mind is bound to produce feelings of fear and anxiety. If you spend most of your life consuming junk food, then now’s the time to change that. When you don’t give your body the fuel that it needs, it can’t function properly. This typically results in health issues becoming manifest, like frequent gas, upset stomachs, and fatigue. When you eat healthily, you will begin to notice your body getting fitter, and stronger, and will experience fewer health difficulties, like those just mentioned.

Regular Exercise

Exercise is crucial. If you don’t exercise then your body won’t be able to function properly. You don’t have to go to the gym to exercise, however. A lot of people avoid exercising because they believe that the only way to do it is to go to a gym. For people with anxiety, going to the gym isn’t an option. This is because it involves performing exercises in front of large crowds of people. You can perform exercise at home. Calisthenics is one style of exercise that can very easily be practiced in the comfort of one’s own home.


Finally, you should consider finding a hobby. Hobbies can help you to relax, especially if you take up ones that are very peaceful, like fishing. Skydiving might not make you relax if you take it up as a hobby, but it can be a great way of getting relief from stress. If you do take up a hobby, then you may want to consider finding a local group of people that share the same interests as you, so you have people to practice your hobby with.
If you are finding it difficult to relax, and want to be more comfortable, then this post’s guidance is for you. Remember, more often than not it’s our personal situation that causes discomfort. Before trying to deal with the symptoms of your discomfort, treat the underlying cause and change whatever’s bothering you in your personal life.


Daria Brown