Women's intuition is a thing. We hear it time and time again, that women have a keener sense of our gut feelings and that women are more intuitive than men, but are we really?

While science will show that both genders possess the same amount of ability to tap into their subconscious, therefore receive gut feelings, intuitive messages and perceptions, perhaps it's simply that women are more likely to learn about or more trusting to follow certain impulses and guttural hits. We know we are more likely to discuss this important aspect of our survival, openly. But as of late, we must rewrite that script because mental health, hypnosis, meditation and mind science is on the rise. And men are beginning to not only join in the conversation but to lead the charge. Mind health started with alarming us to Autism moving into sirens sounding around Alzheimers, now the bells and whistles of AI and the new-mind frontier have all joined in the cacophony.

We've become good at virtually everything and as more and more information travels the superhighway, let's look at our subconscious basics (for more details check out Subconscious Power: Use Your Inner Mind to Create the Life You've Always Wanted) before our neural networks get tangled and our synapses slow down.

1) Information keeps you safe

Your subconscious mind gathers information and stores information at record speed. Why? For your successful survival. This information is quickly translated as good for me or not good for me. Your survival is the number one priority of your subconscious. Thoughts like did I leave the oven on; or did I close the garage door? Is this person telling me the truth? Am I being warned of something looming in the future? All of these hits or gut instincts keep you safe so the more sensitive you become to the whisper or tap on the shoulder, the better. Chances are, you've heard the saying 'stranger danger'. Let your subconscious assist you in knowing who is safe and who is not.

2) Evolution for learning

You might have very strong impulses to take a certain job or connect with a certain mate and you follow through with your gut. You commit to this person, place or thing and then with time, you find it doesn't work out. Can a subconscious intuitive hit be wrong? No, not really and here's why. We are evolutionary creatures and learn by engaging in experiences. Like any gamer knows, you must pass one level to continue to the next and life lessons are no exception in the game of life. Going with your gut and not getting the outcome you expected is not failure, rather evolution's way of teaching us our lessons. This goes back to the saying 'you don't always get what you want, you get what you need'.

3) More is better

Like any muscle group, the more you use your subconscious, the stronger it gets. The reverse is true, too. An atrophied intuition is nothing to be proud of because being in sync with your inner GPS means you're listening to your most valued asset, your subconscious power. Any time you follow your gut instinct and it works out for you, is called a convincer. This convincer literally convinces you to do it again and again for each success then ultimately many successful outcomes. These outcomes then build confidence toward the next and the next outcome until one day you look back on your life as both successful and happy. Isn't that what we are all looking for?

When you agree to follow your intuition you agree to a plan, a blueprint that was set in motion long before your conscious mind came on board. You agree to connect, listen and follow this divine source of knowledge for your progression and your journey. For this we are grateful! And in gratitude, we appreciate and honor that which makes us special. We honor our intuitive guide and enjoy the insights and richness of spirit our subconscious gives us.