As this article is being written, and likely as you are reading it, the world is under strict lockdown restrictions in order for our governments’ to create strategies that will combat the SARS-CoV-19 virus and reduce the number of restrictions. Vaccines are in development, with some in the process of being rolled out [the United Kingdom]. However, just as a vaccine is released, our governments’ have revealed shocking new news: the SARS-CoV-19 virus has mutated and the vaccine may be useless. This means a lot more time indoors, a lot more lockdown, and a lot more headache.
Spending time indoors can be, providing our homes are peaceful, quite enjoyable. If however, our homes are loud, annoying, and irritating, we will very likely derive little joy from spending time in them. In this article, we hope to tell you about four small changes that will make your home more peaceful. Being able to relax in your home is very important, for it is the only place that you should be able to escape from the world. If you cannot relax at home, you are missing out and need to make the necessary adjustments so that you can immediately.
Here they are:

Silent Clocks

You’re sitting in your living-room – it’s a quiet afternoon. Just as you begin to relax and your mind clears itself of thoughts, you hear a ticking. Tick, tick. Enraged, you begin to frantically search your living-room for its source. Your search becomes a hunt, and when you find the culprit, a clock hanging on the wall, you lose your mind and destroy it. A theoretical situation, yes. One that many of us have probably experienced. Also yes. However, you can remedy this and ensure that it never happens by investing in silent wall clocks, which are a wonderful innovation and mean we never have to worry about irritating clocks again. Silent clocks are a great investment if you are big on peace and quiet and want your home to be free from annoying and distracting noises. Silent clocks are the future of peace and quiet.

Incense Burner

Yes, an incense burner. While a plume of smoke clouding your home and overwhelming your nostrils may not seem, in theory, very peaceful, we assure you it can be. It is best to burn incense in a room where you are not sitting so that you do not become overwhelmed with smoke. Incense, providing it is of a good quality [preferably sourced from Japan, where the best incense in the world is produced], will permeate every room in your home and have it smelling absolutely divine. Incense is a great addition to any home and can definitely help you to relax. It is used in the Buddhist religion to aid with meditation. Incense is also very beautiful and can make your home much more inviting to guests. Invest in a good quality wooden incense burner and some high-quality Japanese incense and you’re set.

Comfortable Chair

If you have trouble relaxing at home, you may just not have a comfortable chair. A comfortable chair will help you to relax at home, whatever room it may be in. You could also consider investing in a daybed which will allow you to lie down and relax during the day. Daybeds are great for reading, sleeping, or listening to music. If you do not want a daybed, and rather, just want a comfortable chair, then that too can help you to relax. Make sure you tell every other person in your household that the chair is your own chair and that nobody is to sit on it. That way, it will become yours and whenever you come into the room it should be the way you left it. A comfortable, personal chair is a great way for you to sit down and forget about the world.

Leave Distractions at the Door

This is a difficult one for many of us to do, being we are working from home at the moment. When I say leave distraction at the door, I mean do not bring the outside world into your home, and rather use your home for what it is intended for, which is relaxation and sleep! If you are working from home, you can instead, leave your distractions at the door to your office [or wherever you are working]. Use your home for relaxing and your office for working. When you finish working, leave all of your thoughts about work in your office, and do not relax in there. When you use the room for its intended purpose you will find you are in a much better position to relax and you will find yourself a lot more comfortable in your home. Leave your distractions at the door!
With this page, you should now be able to make your home much more comfortable and should be able to make it more peaceful and relaxing. We hope you benefitted from this page and hoped you found the read enjoyable. Thank you!


Daria Brown