Tracking health problems in women remains one of the critical objectives of primary care. Although the process is sometimes taxing to the patients, the result is gratifying. There are two main types of health problems: chronic diseases and episodic issues. Some of these are due to minor events in a person's life, such as accidents, but others can be long-term and chronic. 
For this reason, it is vital to continuously keep an eye on your health for proper diagnosis and management. Below are areas that need repeat monitoring in women for a life free from a string of health problems. 
A hearing test helps in preventing ear problems later in life. Usually, the first step determines whether you have any issues by listening to sound at various frequencies. If there's any issue diagnosed, medics recommend that patients wear earplugs or other devices that block out background noise. 
Furthermore, an extensive hearing analysis once in five years goes a long way in preventing hearing loss. It is prudent to get checkups annually for individuals who work in a noisy environment or suffer from repeat complications. 
Menstrual Cycle 
It is possible to detect most gynecological problems like uterine cancer through the menstrual cycle. Often, if a woman has a longer cycle than the average, most likely, there is an impending problem. 
On the other hand, an irregular cycle indicates issues with the reproductive system, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome or premature ovarian failure. Thankfully, early detection makes the management program less complicated.
Monitoring weight can be done by either calculating the mass index or using a scale to monitor how much you weigh. It is important to weigh yourself regularly and verify any weight changes. That way, medical experts can determine whether you require a specific diet, exercise regime, medication to attain the required weight. 
Remember that extreme weight gain or loss can translate to a life-threatening condition. Therefore, monitor your weight progress for a healthier and happier life.

Blood pressure
High blood pressure increases the risk of cardiovascular issues, stroke, and other conditions. Medics advise patients to test their blood pressure at least five minutes after waking up to achieve accurate results. It's essential to check from multiple locations due to normal fluctuation in BP.
You can make vital lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, losing weight, and regular exercise based on the results.
Breathing Rate 
Slow respiration rates can signal asthma or other illnesses. Likewise, rapid respiration rates can be a sign of upper respiratory infections which require immediate attention. It's essential to use a stopwatch for accurate results. If the figure stands at 12 seconds or greater than 30 seconds, it may indicate that you have asthma and need specialized care right away. 
You can prevent arterial diseases or heart attacks by monitoring cholesterol levels in your body. Mainly, doctors check cholesterol levels on two separate occasions, one week apart, using a fasting sample. Note that ingesting food within eight hours before the test can affect the final readings. High cholesterol levels require dietary changes, medication, or body exercises to stabilize them. 
Mental Health 
Psychological issues such as depression or stress are a result of chemical imbalances in the brain. A self-assessment test provides precise results about any symptoms you may be experiencing from mental ailments. 
Qualified mental experts can detect any problem from the analysis and advice on the best way forward. Often, they recommend professional counseling services to address underlying causes. If need be, some patients may require medication to quicken the healing process. 
Blood Sugar Level
Diabetes remains one of the most prevalent ailments worldwide. In fact, approximately 464 million people in the world people live with diabetes. That said, high blood glucose levels indicate insulin resistance which can lead to type 2 diabetes. 
You can check your insulin levels at home using a glucose meter kit. The results are more accurate if you obtain a sample early in the morning before eating. From the results, your healthcare provider can advise on proper medication, dietary changes, or about making your life more active. 
Eye Sight 
Decreased vision can lead to macular degeneration and glaucoma. You should contact a qualified medic in case of increased sensitivity to light because it can indicate diabetes or other conditions. An eye chart with letters, numbers, and symbols simplifies the process and helps the health care provider determine the exact problem. 
Fortunately, proper prescription of optical glasses, contact lenses, surgery, and medications can rectify most sight problems effectively. Above all, protect your eyes from excess sunlight, radiation, or ultraviolet light.
Dental health 
Regular dental checkups prevent gum disease and tooth decay. If these conditions are not handled on time, they can lead to severe illnesses such as heart attack. During dental checkups, dentists check teeth' color and shape. 
Furthermore, they confirm the tightness of their fit inside the mouth or the presence of pus near the tooth socket or gums. Based on the outcome, experts may recommend scaling, fillings, root canal, or surgery for impacted teeth. If necessary, they may recommend a mouth guard to prevent injuries during sports activities.
Final Thoughts
To successfully monitor their health, women need to be aware of a few critical things. For instance, they should be mindful of the signs and symptoms they can look out for daily. Not to mention how often they should see their healthcare provider; and when it is crucial to act on an issue right away.
 In addition, tracking certain events in life can help you determine patterns related to your health. It may also help you put problems into perspective and allow you to plan on your medical budget ahead.


Sophie H.